
It had to happen

First sock is done, the other one in progress.
Two weeks ago I would have not believed if you'd told me I'd knit socks out of thin yarn. Never say never. It's been fun knitting socks after so many years! And this yarn (Punta yarn meri sock) has such a nice feel to it that it's a pleasure to knit.

 And there's more to come on the sock front..

It was about to happen sooner or later - and in my case: sooner.
Noro yarns.
I couldn't resist any longer. Gotta love the colours!

No time to blog more.. Got some knitting to do!


  1. Hei onpa ihanat värit. Mitä tuo lanka on?

  2. Valmiin sukan lanka on Punta Yarns Meri Sock, kahta eri väriä, punertava ja sinertävä. Alemmat kerällä olevat on Noro Kureyon Sock Yarnia.

  3. Such a great colours! Ja ihanat sukat :)
