

After a busy week full of scheduled work and hobbies I used wisely the only day off I had last week. Packed my bags hurriedly, picked up my friend and off we went. That was the end of schedules and rushing from one place to another.

All we had 



And starry night
- the amount of stars is unbelievable when there's no light pollution!

And great food
- on wood heated stove and on campfire.

There was nothing special to do
- which made it special.

Slow down, people! Make an effort to find even just a few hours to go out to the shore or to the forest or what ever you have near your home. And decide to do nothing.
That's my free advice for you (and for me) this week.


  1. Hienoja tunnelmakuvia. Kunnon tähtitaivasta en olekaan aikoihin nähnyt!

  2. Niitä tähtiä oli ihan älyttömästi! Ja kuvia katsoessa huomasin, että osa niistä on punaisia ja osa sinisiä. Harmi vain, kun en tunne kuin 2 tähtikuviota..
