
Something simple

After a sweater (still unfinished) and two beanies with cables I needed something brainless to knit. Simple stripes in simple socks. Yes, we've seen them, but let's admit, Mr. Noro knows his colour palette. No counting (other than changing the colour every 3 rows) required. A perfect conversation knit, that is. You know, what I mean? Even an engaging conversation wouldn't slow down the knitting.

And on top of that, this project inspired an 8-year-old boy start learning to knit. So, having a conversation with the mother I kept on knitting my sock and teaching her son how to knit on his short and colourful kids' needles. And, of course, keeping an eye on his little project, trying to help him avoid losing too many stitches. I think he did surprisingly well. And so did I - I'd left one of my needles home.. talk about brainless!

First one's finished. Then comes the most difficult part. Matching the colours for the other one.


  1. Kauniit sukat. Mikäpä sen ihanampaa kuin saada lapsi innostumaan neulomisesta! :)

  2. Kiitos, Neulisti.
    On kyllä aika hienoa nähdä, kun pienet innostuu käsitöistä. Mun kohdalle on sattunut aika monta pientä poikaa nimenomaan, jotka on kiinnostuneet joko ompelusta tai neulomisesta tai virkkauksesta.
